Green-Entrepreneurship: Africa’s Missing Link Towards a Greener Economy

Green-Entrepreneurship: Africa’s Missing Link Towards a Greener Economy

Date: Oct 27, 2022

Time: 21:00 to 22:30 (KST/GMT+9)

(in Spanish)
(in French)


For Africa, green economy transition presents a sustainable development path geared towards resilient socio-economic growth, employment and skills development and investments. This is translated in many countries’ National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) which focuses on poverty reduction, gender equality while simultaneously transitioning countries to just and a low-carbon and climate-resilient economies. As the calls for a greener economy reverberate across the continent, especially considering the triple crises: climate change, conflicts, and the COVID-19 pandemic, there is equally an increasing demand for environmentally friendly goods and services, thrusting ‘green entrepreneurship’ as a key tool to addressing Africa’s climate and employment challenge.

The objective of this session is to share experiences and views on the technical aspects, business models and existing good practices in Africa, including how to integrate entrepreneurship in the broader sustainable development agenda (SDG). With a focus on youths and women, the session will also showcase digital innovative tools to catalyze just transition approaches as part of just and green recovery efforts and SMEs development in the region.

Event Agenda:

Time (Korea Standard Time) Program
21:00 – 21:05 Welcome Remarks 
– Ms. Helena McLeod, Deputy Director-General, Head of GGP&I, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
21:05 – 21:10 Breaking down Green-prenuership business models 
– Mr. Abdourahmane Diop, CEO and Co-founder, Haskee Ventures
21:10 – 21:40 Examples from countries Joint GGGI Senegal and Rwanda Country Offices 
– Speakers: 
Ms. Assana Magagi-Alio, Country Representative, GGGI Senegal
Mr. Okechukwu Daniel Ogbonnaya, Country Representative, GGGI Rwanda

Rwanda: Initiative on Improved Carbonisation and Improved Cook Stoves in Rwanda 
– Speaker: Mr. Sabin Murererehe, Managing Director, Entreprise Multiservices Ltd 

Rwanda: Developing entrepreneurship ecosystem for tree seedling to promote forest landscape restoration in Rwanda 
– Speaker: Mr. Alex B. Mugayi, Project Manager of Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) Project, World Vision Rwanda
21:40 – 22:10 Open Discussion
– 1st Panelist:Ms.  Mouna Lyoubi, International Youth Employment Expert in Agribusiness, UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)  

– 2nd Panelist: Ms. Aline Mugisho, Executive Manager |Innovative Youth in Agriculture (I-Youth), International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)  

– 3rd Panelist: Ms. Afia Bobia Amanfo, Africa Lead, Bridge for Billions   

– Facilitator: Mr. Abdourahmane Diop, CEO and Co-founder, Haskee Ventures
22:10 – 22:20 Q and A 
22:20 – 22:30 Closing Remarks
 Dr. Malle Fofana, Director and Head of GGGI Africa 

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