Scaling-up Renewable Energy through Innovation and Blended Finance Solutions

Scaling-up Renewable Energy through Innovation and Blended Finance Solutions

– Date/Time: October 25, 2021, 09:00-10:30 GMT+0

– Session lead:

  • Mr. Mahamadou Tounkara, Director of ODG Division (Governance, Strategy, Partnerships & Communications), GGGI

The session featured experiences from government agencies, international organizations and private sector actors on scaling-up renewable energy (RE) solutions in Africa and Europe. Challenges of how to transition from a power system based on fossil fuels to renewables, regulatory and policy matters, as well as state-owned energy companies, are presented. Proven experience in variable renewable energy (VRE), together with the role of the market and various types of flexibility solutions are shared. Crowd-funding platforms to pioneer blended finance solutions to rapidly scale climate finance for emerging markets through ‘public-private partnerships’ and transformational fintech are discussed. Opportunities to increase accessibility of electricity for Africa through extensive investment in solar solutions and the potential to create green jobs are demonstrated. The potential for bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) as an alternative climate-smart, cost effective and sustainable technology/approach to generate electricity and high-grade process heat simultaneously was explained.

The session was structured around detailed presentations of the solutions, and panel discussion which allow the audience to share their views, comments and questions with the panelists.

* The PPTs were available until 8th January 2022. If you wish to access the PPTs after the date, please contact us at

Click the URL link below for interpretations:

Key resources: 


  • ET08 Green growth governance – Business Case for Solar PV (Energy) Investment at the Adama Industrial Park (link)

– Danish Energy Agency:

  • Denmark’s Energy Islands (link)
  • From Black to Green: A Danish sustainable energy growth story – A case study of how an energy utility can transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, and the enabling regulatory framework that made it possible (link)
  • Development and Role of Flexibility in the Danish Power System – Solutions for integrating 50% wind and solar, and potential, future solutions for the remaining 50%(link)