The Road to COP26: What Does Success Look Like for Developed and Developing Countries?
– Date/Time: October 27, 2021, 16:00 – 18:00 KST (GMT+9)
– Session leads:
- Ms. Ingvild Solvang, Deputy Director, Head Of Climate Action And Inclusive Development Global Practice, GGGI
- Ms. Hee Kyung Son, Lead, Communications, GGGI
Co-organized by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the British Embassy in Seoul, the virtual event served as an opportunity for experts and decision makers from developing and developed nations to address their expectations for COP26 and to understand how international organizations like GGGI provide a range of services for its Members and partners, which have directly and indirectly supported the NDC revision process.
Of the total of 75 Parties to the Paris Agreement that met the 2020 deadline for revised NDC submission, 20 were among GGGI’s 39 Members. Additionally, 5 GGGI partners submitted their revised NDCs in 2020, and more have committed to submit in 2021. There are positive trends in that climate change has like never before entered the agenda in many developed countries. Nevertheless, the UNFCCC Synthesis reports show that with the combined levels of ambition, the world is on catastrophic path to a 2.7 degree increase.
The developing world is the least responsible for climate change but most vulnerable to the impacts. Amid concerns of the pandemic, there is a clear call for the COP26 to be inclusive to ensure strong voices of least developed countries (LDCs) in decision making and in benefitting from the shift towards low emission development pathways.
Discussions revolved around the importance of a) securing global net zero emissions by 2050; b) deploying adaptation measures to protect those who are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change; c) mobilizing financial resources for developing countries; and d) stepping up efforts to engage with government representatives, business leaders, and civil society groups.
* The PPTs were available until 8th January 2022. If you wish to access the PPTs after the date, please contact us at