Building capacity and leveling the playing field for participants in the Article 6 carbon market – Part 2:  Leveling the playing field for Article 6 Implementation 

Building capacity and leveling the playing field for participants in the Article 6 carbon market – Part 2:  Leveling the playing field for Article 6 Implementation 

Date: Oct 25,2023

Time: 18:00 to 19:00 (KST/GMT+9)



Article 6 of the Paris Agreement facilitates collaborative and transparent efforts among governments, businesses, and civil society to achieve the ambitious goals of the Paris Agreement while staying below 1.5 °C. Government efforts are vital for achieving these goals through policy implementation and capability development. In this session, guest speakers from host country governments share their experiences in establishing institutional arrangements, policies, and strategies for Article 6 implementation. The audience will hear a diversity of perspectives on the operationalization of these governance frameworks, including insights from government stakeholders, private sector, and Article 6 thought leaders.

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