Article 6 Methodology Tools: Making CDM Methodologies Fit for Paris 

Article 6 Methodology Tools: Making CDM Methodologies Fit for Paris 

Date: Oct 24, 2022

Time: 19:30 to 21:00 (KST/GMT+9)


Since the adoption of the Paris Rulebook for Article 6 implementation at COP26, global efforts to operationalize and utilize Article 6 market mechanisms have ramped up substantially. One of the key challenges is now the development of credible additionality tests and baselines, and monitoring methodologies. Developing these from scratch would take years and require significant resources. However, over 250 baseline and monitoring methodologies and 35 related tools are approved under the CDM which can potentially be aligned with the Paris Rulebook. Doing so would ensure a smooth transition to the new market mechanisms and avoid a “valley of death” for new technologies, which would upend efforts to scale up ambitious mitigation. 

To address this challenge, the International Initiative for Development of Article 6 Methodology Tools (II-AMT) convenes experts from all continents to develop a set of “Article 6 methodology tools”. These methodology tools are grafted on existing, approved CDM methodologies and operationalize key principles and requirements of the Rulebook relating to methodologies.

This session will:

  • Elaborate on practical implications of the Article 6 rules and principles for determining:
    • (1) the additionality of activities
    • (2) setting robust crediting baselines
    • (3) monitoring, reporting and verifying emission reductions, and 
    • (4) contributing to the host country NDC and long-term strategies.  
  • Provide insights on the challenges and opportunities of adapting CDM methodologies to Article 6, based on experience from the development of Article 6 methodology tools and piloting of Article 6 activities. 

Event Format:

This session will be delivered as a webinar with presentations from a group of experts, followed by a period of interactive participation and opportunity for participants to ask questions or provide comments.

Event Agenda:

Welcome Remarks
– Ms. Fenella Aouane, Deputy Director – Head, Carbon Pricing Global Practice, GGGI 
The international Initiative for Development of Article 6 Methodology Tools – Purpose and key activities
– Mr. Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives Climate Research, Germany/Switzerland 
Panel discussion on how to graft Article 6 tools on methodologies 
– Mr. Kentaro Takahashi, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan 
– Ms. Martha Ntabadde Kasozi, freelance consultant and member of the CDM methodologies panel, Uganda 
– Mr. Francois Sammut, Carbon Limits, Norway
– Mr. Stephan Gill, GGGI 

Moderator: Mr. Axel Michaelowa 
Open discussion and Q&A
Closing Remarks
– Mr. Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives Climate Research, Switzerland

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Event Details
  • Start Date
    October 24, 2022 7:30 pm
  • End Date
    October 24, 2022 9:00 pm
  • Status