Sustainable Forestry in Indonesia – a Pivot To the Provinces

Sustainable Forestry in Indonesia – a Pivot to The Provinces

Date: Oct 24, 2022

Time: 10:00 to 11:30 (KST/GMT+9)


In Indonesia, GGGI is supporting the Indonesian government with the mainstreaming of national policies and plans into local action.  Our program focuses on six focal provinces, Central, South, East and North Kalimantan, and Papua and West Papua provinces.  

This work in the provinces builds on five key strengths of the provincial-based approach:

  1. Regional Charters aligned with Green growth
  2. Better understanding of local development challenges and opportunities for positive change
  3. More willingness to close the sectoral divides and collaborate
  4. Boldness to innovate locally
  5. Co-opting multi-stakeholders

In this session, the provincial representatives of GGGI will be presenting the latest developments and ideas on how to make use of these strengths to accelerate and expand green growth sub-nationally for lasting jurisdictional contributions to major emissions reductions and increased low carbon development in the forestry and land-use sector, thus contributing to the achievement of Indonesia’s ambitious NDC targets and FOLU Net Sink 2030 Strategy.

Event Agenda:

Welcome Remarks:
H.E. Ban Ki-moon, President of the Assembly and Chair of the Council, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)  (video message)
Welcome Remarks: 
Mr. Marcel J. Silvius, Country Representative- Indonesia, GGGI
Introductory remarks:    
– Speaker: Dr Christopher Bennett 

Peatland Lanscape Initiative in Central Kalimantan:    
– Speaker: Dr Hendrik Segah, GGGI Provincial Representative Central Kalimantan 

Sustainable Financial Mechanism for Water Services, and Conservation in Sultan Adam Forest Park – South Kalimantan    
– Speaker: Eko Setiabudi, GGGI Senior Assistant, Central & South Kalimantan 

Result-Based Payment for Reduce Carbon Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in East Kalimantan    
– Speaker: Ms Dyah Catur Wahyuningtyas, GGGI Provincial Representative East Kalimantan 

Transitioning from Extractive to Sustainable Landscape Management through Support to Province and District Policy and in the Village ground level, North Kalimantan    
– Speaker: Mr. Arman Arman, GGGI Provincial Representative North Kalimantan 

Free, Prior Informed and Consent (FPIC) for land licensing & policy making    
– Speaker: Mr. Marthinus Wattimena, GGGI Provincial Representative, Papua Province 

From Ridge to Reef, Investing in Blue-Green Economy Land scape Sea scape Linkages    
– Speaker: Mr. Josiano Meihaar, GGGI Provincial Representative West Papua  
Open Discussion/Q&A
– Facilitator: Mr. Marcel J. Silvius, Country Representative- Indonesia, GGGI
Closing Remarks:
Mr. Marcel J. Silvius, Country Representative- Indonesia, GGGI
Event Details