Building capacity and leveling the playing field for participants in the Article 6 carbon market – Part 1: Operationalization of Article 6 Governance Frameworks
Date: Oct 25,2023
Time: 17:00 to 18:00
Article 6 of the Paris Agreement is crucial in the global fight against climate change. Nonetheless, despite its potential to facilitate the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the market requires a strong technical foundation to demonstrate additionality and safeguard environmental integrity. GGGI will invite potential seller and buyer country representatives to speak about the financing needs for more ambitious climate action, including carbon finance, and how to level the playing field for players on both sides of Article 6 ITMO transactions. This session will also introduce GGGI’s Carbon Transaction Facility, an innovative financing mechanism that will both build readiness in the Article 6 market and facilitate carbon transactions which will finance tangible mitigation outcomes.
Event Agenda: