Green Entrepreneurship: Innovative Business Models and Potential for Green Job Creation

Green Entrepreneurship: Innovative Business Models and Potential for Green Job Creation

– Date/Time: October 25, 2021, 16:00 – 18:00 CDT (GMT-5)

– Session leads:

  • Ms. Kristin Deason, Representative, Caribbean, GGGI
  • Mr. Pablo Martinez, Country Representative – Columbia, GGGI


* The PPTs were available until 8th January 2022. If you wish to access the PPTs after the date, please contact us at

Key resources: 


  • Launch of the Pacific Green Entrepreneurs Network (link)

– Others:

  • Introduction of Student Energy (link)

This session highlighted green entrepreneurship projects and opportunities for job creation in the Caribbean, Colombia and the Pacific as well as opportunities for green business models through energy and the circular economy sectors.