Carbon Pricing

October 24, 2022
Article 6 of the Paris Agreement as a Tool to Raise Climate Action Ambition Date: Oct 24, 2022 Time: 18:00 to 19:30 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: This session will offer two different views on the use of Article 6 to reach the...
October 24, 2022
Article 6 Methodology Tools: Making CDM Methodologies Fit for Paris  Date: Oct 24, 2022 Time: 19:30 to 21:00 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: Since the adoption of the Paris Rulebook for Article 6 implementation at COP26, global efforts to operationalize and utilize Article...
October 24, 2022
Carbon Markets: State of Carbon Pricing Instruments Date: Oct 24, 2022 Time: 21:00 to 22:30 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: Carbon markets are entering a new phase of development. Sixty-eight carbon pricing instruments (including carbon taxes and emission trading systems) are operating worldwide, and...
October 24, 2022
Aligning Voluntary Carbon Markets & Article 6 Date: Oct 24, 2022 Time: 22:30 to 23:30 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: Historically two carbon markets have existed in parallel, a compliance market – often linked to developed countries cap and trade schemes, and a...
October 25, 2022
Developing an Article 6 Host Country Strategygy Date: Oct 25, 2022 Time: 22:00 to 23:30 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: Many countries are currently in the process of developing strategic and legal arrangements that will guide their engagement in Article 6 carbon trading...