Climate Action

October 24, 2022
Setting the Building Blocks for Long-term Climate Actions: the Creation of LT-LEDS Date: Oct 24, 2022 Time: 18:00 to 19:30 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: The aim of the session is to share experiences and lessons learned of different Governments and Organizations working...
October 24, 2022
Climate Smart Technology: What are the innovations we need for tackling the climate crisis? Date: Oct 24, 2022 Time: 20:00 to 21:15 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: “Having the right policies, infrastructure and technology in place to enable changes to our lifestyles and...
Climate Action: The Road to COP27 Date: Oct 25, 2022 Time: 18:00 – 19:30 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: COP26 in Glasgow and the adoption of the Glasgow Climate Pact refreshed momentum for climate action, though optimism was cautious. “The 1.5 target alive but on...
Knowledge Sharing & Capacity Development for Green Growth Date: Oct 25, 2022 Time: 20:00 to 21:30 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: As the movement for an inclusive green economy continues to grow to take ambitious steps towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement...
October 25, 2022
Climate Action: Enhancing Adaptation Capacities from Planning to Finance Date: Oct 25, 2022 Time: 20:00 to 21:30 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: GGGI, its members and other development partners are heavily involved in the development of planning activities to prepare for the impacts...
October 26, 2022
Climate Action: NDC Achievements and Progress in the Pacific Region Date: Oct 26, 2022 Time: 12:00 to 13:00 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: This session will highlight the work of the Regional Pacific NDC Hub which was born at the 23rd Conference of the...
October 26, 2022
Setting the Building Blocks for Long-term Climate Actions: the Creation of MRV System Date: Oct 26, 2022 Time: 14:00 to 15:30 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: Transparency is a key pillar to achieve the aims of Paris Climate Agreement. Comprehensive data and information...
Climate Action:  Investment Mobilization for NDC Implementation Date: Oct 26, 2022 Time: 22:30 to 00:00(+1) (KST/GMT+9) Overview: The aim of the session is to present the benefits of defining green indicators in national development plans for job creation and green...
October 27, 2022
Approaches, Experiences & Opportunities for Measuring Performance in Green Growth Transition at the Global, Regional & National Levels Date: Oct 27, 2022 Time: 21:00 to 22:30 (KST/GMT+9) Overview: GGGI developed and first published the Global Green Growth Index in 2019....